Department of Foundations Of Education
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- Department of Foundations Of Education
The Department of Foundations of Education provides a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles, theories, and practices that underpin the field of education. Through a combination of theoretical study, practical application, and experiential learning, students gain insight into the psychological, philosophical, historical, and sociological foundations of education. This department equips aspiring educators with the necessary knowledge, skills, and perspectives to navigate diverse educational contexts, address contemporary challenges, and promote equitable and effective teaching and learning experiences.
- Learning Outcomes
- Career Opportunities
The Department of Foundations of Education typically aims to achieve several learning outcomes, which may include:
Knowledge Acquisition: Students should acquire a deep understanding of the theoretical foundations of education, including educational psychology, philosophy of education, sociology of education, and history of education.
Critical Thinking: Students should develop critical thinking skills to analyze educational issues, theories, and practices, and to evaluate the effectiveness of educational policies and programs.
Research Skills: Students should learn research methods and techniques used in educational research, including qualitative and quantitative methods, data analysis, and literature review.
Communication Skills: Students should enhance their written and oral communication skills to effectively convey their ideas, research findings, and perspectives on educational issues.
Ethical Awareness: Students should develop an awareness of ethical issues in education and demonstrate ethical behavior in their research, teaching, and professional practice.
Collaboration and Leadership: Students should learn to collaborate effectively with peers, teachers, administrators, and community stakeholders, and to demonstrate leadership skills in educational settings.
Diversity and Inclusion: Students should gain an appreciation for diversity and multiculturalism in education and learn strategies to create inclusive and equitable learning environments for all students.
Professional Development: Students should engage in opportunities for professional development, such as internships, practicum experiences, and workshops, to prepare for careers in education and related fields.
Graduates from the Department of Foundations of Education have a wide range of career opportunities in various sectors related to education and beyond. Some potential career paths include:
Teaching: Graduates can pursue teaching positions in schools, colleges, and universities, specializing in subjects such as educational psychology, philosophy of education, sociology of education, and history of education.
Educational Administration: They can work in administrative roles within educational institutions, such as curriculum development, academic advising, student affairs, and educational leadership.
Educational Research: Graduates can work as educational researchers, conducting studies to explore various aspects of teaching and learning, educational policies, and school improvement strategies.
Curriculum Development: They can contribute to the development and revision of educational curricula, designing learning materials, and resources for teachers and students.
Policy Analysis and Advocacy: Graduates can work in government agencies, non-profit organizations, or advocacy groups, analyzing education policies, advocating for educational reforms, and promoting equity and social justice in education.
Educational Consulting: They can work as educational consultants, providing expertise and guidance to schools, districts, or educational organizations on matters related to curriculum design, assessment, teacher training, and educational technology integration.
Higher Education: Graduates may pursue academic careers in higher education institutions as professors or researchers, specializing in educational theory, policy, or practice.
Nonprofit and Community Organizations: They can work in various non-profit organizations and community agencies that focus on youth development, educational equity, adult education, or community outreach programs.
Bs Programme
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course Outline |
BSAH 1302 | Arabic – 1 / 1 اللغة العربية | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1303 | English اللغة الإنجليزية | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1304 | مدخل إلى فقه العبادات | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1305 | Sociology / مدخل علم الاجتماع | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1306 | AHPSchology / مدخل علم النفس | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1307 | History / تمهيد لدراسة التاريخ | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1308 | Geography مدخل إلى علم الجغرافيا / | 2 | Download |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course Outline |
BSAH 1309 | تيارات فكرية معاصر / Contemporary Intellectual Trends | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1310 | أثر الحضارة العربية في الحضارة الغربية / The Impact of Arab Civilization on Western Civilization | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1311 | مدخل إلى مصطلح الحديث / An Introduction to the Terminology of Hadith | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1312 | الحاسوب / The Computer | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1313 | قرآن كريم / The Holy Quran | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1314 | جوانب تربوية في السيرة النبوية / Educational Aspects in the Prophetic Biography (Seerah) | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1315 | مدخل إلى علم الأخلاق / An Introduction to the Science of Ethics | 3 | Download |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course Outline |
BSAH 1316 | أسس علم الاجتماع / The Foundations of Sociology | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1317 | الجغرافيا البشرية / Geography | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1318 | اللغة العربية / Arabic | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1319 | تمهيد لدراسة العقيدة | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1320 | علم النفس / AHPSchology | 2 | Download |
BSAH 1321 | اللغات الأجنبية / Languages | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1322 | مدخل إلى علم التصوف / An Introduction to the Science of Sufism | 3 | Download |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | Course Outline |
BSAH 1323 | التاريخ الحديث / History | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1324 | علم النفس 3 / AHPSchology | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1325 | Social Sciences / علم الاجتماع3 | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1326 | الجغرافيا الطبيعية / Geography | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1327 | العربية 3 اللغة / Arabic | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1328 | الفكر الإسلامي / Islamic studies | 3 | Download |
BSAH 1329 | الفلسفة / Philosophy | 3 | Download |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSFR 1354 | Sémiologie générale | 3 |
BSFR 1355 | Exercices littéraires | 3 |
BSFR 1356 | Etudes culturelles | 3 |
BSFR 1357 | Méthodologie de recherché | 3 |
BSFR 1358 | Arts du spectacle | 3 |
BSFR 1359 | Analyse du discours | 3 |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSFR 1360 | Littérature compare | 3 |
BSFR 1361 | Littérature asiatique | 3 |
BSFR 1362 | Littérature aSOicaine | 3 |
BSFR 1363 | La SOancophonie aujourd’hui | 3 |
BSFR 1364 | Méthodes Critiques | 3 |
BSFR 1365 | Etudes postcoloniales | 3 |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSFR 1367 | Littérature et cinema | 3 |
BSFR 1368 | Littérature et communication | 3 |
BSFR 1369 | Texte et image plastique | 3 |
BSFR 1370 | Récits de voyage et photographie | 3 |
BSFR 1371 | Sémiotiques visuelles | 3 |
BSFR 1372 | Recherches documentaries | 3 |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSFR 1373 | Média et société | 3 |
BSFR 1374 | La pragmatique | 3 |
BSFR 1375 | Sociolinguistique | 3 |
BSFR 1376 | Littérature numérique | 3 |
BSFR 1377 | Les écrits personnels | 3 |
BSFR 1378 | Le récit postmoderne | 3 |
18 |
MS Programme
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSEN 1563 | Phonetics | 3 |
MSEN 1564 | Approach to Poetry | 3 |
MSEN 1565 | Approach to Novel | 3 |
MSEN 1566 | Approach to Linguistics | 3 |
12 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSEN 1567 | Translation | 3 |
MSEN 1568 | Texts and Summaries | 3 |
MSEN 1569 | Advance Linguistics | 3 |
MSEN 1570 | Drama | 3 |
12 |