Department of Sociology
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- Department of Sociology
The Department of Sociology at Afro-Asian University provides a comprehensive academic program focusing on the study of human societies, cultures, and behaviors. Through a multidisciplinary approach, students delve into sociological theories, research methods, and practical applications to address contemporary social issues. Faculty members are dedicated scholars who mentor students and collaborate on research projects. The department fosters a vibrant academic community through various activities, preparing students for careers in social work, public policy, education, research, and advocacy.
- Learning Outcomes
- Career Opportunities
The Department of Sociology typically aims to achieve several learning outcomes for its students, which may include:
Critical Thinking Skills: Students are expected to develop the ability to critically analyze social phenomena, theories, and research findings. They learn to evaluate arguments, assess evidence, and articulate well-reasoned perspectives on complex social issues.
Research Competence: The department often emphasizes research skills, including the ability to design and conduct social research projects. Students learn quantitative and qualitative research methods, data analysis techniques, and ethical considerations in research.
Understanding of Sociological Concepts: Students gain a solid understanding of core sociological concepts such as social inequality, social institutions, social change, globalization, and culture. They explore how these concepts shape individuals, groups, and societies.
Communication Skills: Effective communication is typically emphasized, including written, oral, and digital communication skills. Students learn to express sociological ideas clearly and persuasively in various formats, including academic papers, presentations, and multimedia projects.
Interdisciplinary Perspective: The department may encourage students to adopt an interdisciplinary perspective by integrating insights from related fields such as psychology, anthropology, economics, and political science. This helps students develop a holistic understanding of social phenomena.
Cultural Competence: In an increasingly diverse world, cultural competence is crucial. Students learn to recognize and respect cultural differences, understand the impact of culture on behavior and society, and communicate effectively across cultural boundaries.
Ethical Awareness: Ethical considerations are integral to sociological research and practice. Students are expected to develop awareness of ethical issues in research and professional settings, adhere to ethical guidelines, and apply ethical principles in their work.
Application of Sociological Knowledge: Finally, students are encouraged to apply sociological knowledge to real-world contexts and address pressing social issues. This may involve internships, community-based projects, or engagement with social advocacy organizations.
Graduates from the Department of Sociology have a wide range of career opportunities available to them. Some potential career paths include:
Social Worker: Social workers assist individuals and communities in dealing with social, emotional, and financial challenges. They may work in settings such as schools, hospitals, non-profit organizations, or government agencies.
Human Resources Specialist: Human resources specialists are responsible for recruiting, screening, interviewing, and placing workers within an organization. They also handle employee relations, training, and development.
Market Research Analyst: Market research analysts study market conditions to determine potential sales of a product or service. They collect and analyze data on consumer demographics, preferences, and buying habits to help companies make informed business decisions.
Community Outreach Coordinator: Community outreach coordinators work for non-profit organizations, government agencies, or advocacy groups to develop and implement programs that address community needs. They may organize events, conduct outreach campaigns, and collaborate with community stakeholders.
Policy Analyst: Policy analysts research and analyze public policies to assess their impact on society. They may work for government agencies, think tanks, or advocacy organizations to develop recommendations for policy changes.
Sociologist: Sociologists study human behavior, social interactions, and institutions to understand social phenomena and patterns. They conduct research, analyze data, and publish findings in academic journals or present them to policymakers and the public.
Education Consultant: Education consultants provide guidance and support to schools, colleges, and educational organizations. They may assist with curriculum development, teacher training, student assessment, and program evaluation.
Non-Profit Administrator: Non-profit administrators oversee the day-to-day operations of non-profit organizations, including budgeting, fundraising, staffing, and program management.
Bs Programme
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1302 | Arabic – 1 / 1 اللغة العربية | 3 |
BSAH 1303 | English اللغة الإنجليزية | 3 |
BSAH 1304 | مدخل إلى فقه العبادات | 2 |
BSAH 1305 | Sociology / مدخل علم الاجتماع | 3 |
BSAH 1306 | AHPSchology / مدخل علم النفس | 2 |
BSAH 1307 | History / تمهيد لدراسة التاريخ | 3 |
BSAH 1308 | Geography مدخل إلى علم الجغرافيا / | 2 |
Total Credit Hours | 18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1309 | تيارات فكرية معاصر / Contemporary Intellectual Trends | 3 |
BSAH 1310 | أثر الحضارة العربية في الحضارة الغربية / The Impact of Arab Civilization on Western Civilization | 3 |
BSAH 1311 | مدخل إلى مصطلح الحديث / An Introduction to the Terminology of Hadith | 3 |
BSAH 1312 | الحاسوب / The Computer | 3 |
BSAH 1313 | قرآن كريم / The Holy Quran | 3 |
BSAH 1314 | جوانب تربوية في السيرة النبوية / Educational Aspects in the Prophetic Biography (Seerah) | 3 |
BSAH 1315 | مدخل إلى علم الأخلاق / An Introduction to the Science of Ethics | 3 |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1316 | أسس علم الاجتماع / The Foundations of Sociology | 3 |
BSAH 1317 | الجغرافيا البشرية / Geography | 3 |
BSAH 1318 | اللغة العربية / Arabic | 3 |
BSAH 1319 | تمهيد لدراسة العقيدة | 3 |
BSAH 1320 | علم النفس / AHPSchology | 3 |
BSAH 1321 | اللغات الأجنبية / Languages | 3 |
BSAH 1322 | مدخل إلى علم التصوف / An Introduction to the Science of Sufism | 3 |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
BSAH 1323 | التاريخ الحديث / History | 3 |
BSAH 1324 | علم النفس 3 / AHPSchology | 3 |
BSAH 1325 | Social Sciences / علم الاجتماع3 | 3 |
BSAH 1326 | الجغرافيا الطبيعية / Geography | 3 |
BSAH 1327 | العربية 3 اللغة / Arabic | 3 |
BSAH 1328 | الفكر الإسلامي / Islamic studies | 3 |
BSAH 1329 | الفلسفة / Philosophy | 3 |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | ||
BSSO 1499 | المعرفة الاجتماعية وتقنيات التواصل والعمل الجماعي / Social Knowledge and Communication Techniques and Teamwork | 3 | ||
BSSO 1500 | آليات التنشيط الثقافي والاجتماعي: ديناميات الجماعة / Mechanisms of Cultural and Social Activation: Dynamics of the Community | 3 | ||
BSSO 1501 | صحة المجتمع / Community Health | 3 | ||
BSSO 1502 | علم الاجتماع الرقمي / Digital Sociology | 3 | ||
BSSO 1503 | علم الإنسان / Anthropology | 3 | ||
BSSO 1504 | أسس علم الاجتماع / Foundations of Sociology | 3 | ||
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | |
BSSO 1505 | تدبير مؤسسات المجتمع المدني / Management of Civil Society Institutions | 3 | |
BSSO 1506 | السياسة الاجتماعية: مفاهيم ومقاربات / Social Policy: Concepts and Approaches | 3 | |
BSSO 1507 | أخلاقيات العمل الاجتماعي / Ethics of Social Work | 3 | |
BSSO 1508 | الاعلام الاجتماعي وشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي / Social Media and Social Networking Platforms | 3 | |
BSSO 1509 | البحث الميداني في المساعدة الاجتماعية / Field Research in Social Assistance | 3 | |
BSSO 1510 | الوسائل التكنولوجية الحديثة ( علوم الحاسب ) / Computer Sciences | 3 | |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | |
BSSO 1511 | علم الاجتماع / Sociology | 3 | |
BSSO 1512 | مفاهيم ومصطلحات اجتماعية / Social Concepts and Terminology | 3 | |
BSSO 1513 | علم النفس الاجتماعي / Social Psychology | 3 | |
BSSO 1514 | علم الاجتماع التربوي / Educational Sociology | 3 | |
BSSO 1515 | مشكلات اجتماعية / Social Issues | 3 | |
BSSO 1516 | نظريات علم الاجتماع / Sociological Theories | 3 | |
18 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours | |
BSSO 1517 | سوسيولوجيا الاعاقة / Sociology of Disability | 3 | |
BSSO 1518 | رواد علم الاجتماع المعاصرين / Pioneers of Contemporary Sociology | 3 | |
BSSO 1519 | علم الاجتماع الديني والاجتماعي / Sociology of Religion and Society | 3 | |
BSSO 1520 | العلاقات الاجتماعية وسيكولوجية الاندماج / Social Relationships and Psychological Integration | 3 | |
BSSO 1521 | تنمية مهارات الذات / Self-Skills Development | 3 | |
BSSO 1522 | مناهج بحث علمي / Scientific Research Methodologies | 3 | |
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MS Programme
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSSO 1531 | علم الاجتماع العائلي / Family Sociology | 3 |
MSSO 1532 | الإدارة في الخدمة الاجتماعية / Management in Social Services | 3 |
MSSO 1533 | التخطيط الاجتماعي / Social Planning | 3 |
MSSO 1534 | الخدمة الاجتماعية للفئات الخاصة / Social Services for Special Populations | 3 |
12 |
Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
MSSO 1535 | نظريات علم الاجتماع / Sociological Theories | 3 |
MSSO 1536 | رواد علم الاجتماع المعاصرين / Pioneers of Contemporary Sociology | 3 |
MSSO 1537 | علم الاجتماع والعمران / Sociology and Urbanism | 3 |
MSSO 1538 | مناهج البحث في العلوم الاجتماعية / Research Methodologies in Social Sciences | 3 |
12 |